
RESPONSIBILITIES OF SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL: Highways, potholes, trees, hedges, grass (owned by SCC), weeds, drainage, street lights and sign lighting. 

POTHOLES - DPC would encourage residents to report pot-holes via the SCC website so that they are dealt with as quickly as possible. 

TREES, HEDGES, GRASS OR WEED ISSUES - DPC would encourage residents to report any issues of this nature on the SCC website.   


RESPONSIBILITIES OF TANDRIGE DISTRICT COUNCIL: Grass & hedge cutting (land owned by TDC), graffiti & flyposting, recycling and rubbish, littering, dog mess bins & flytipping, street cleaning, recreation ground & park equipment, noise pollution, dead animals, planning, social housing and public toilets, 

DPC would encourage residents to report any issues on the TDC website for the above responsibilities. 

Website:  Report - Tandridge District Council