Published: 23 May 2022

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Dormansland Parish Council Bid to Obtain Funding to Improve Access to the Countryside

*****UPDATE - bid was not successful as priority was given to bids in areas where there has been more housing development******. 

We would like to thank everyone who came to the Parish Council meeting on the 4th May and for all residents who have written in expressing their opinions on the above agenda item.

By way of explanation of how the Parish Council got to this point. The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge levied by local authorities on new building developments and it is used to support the delivery of infrastructure. Tandridge District Council hold a proportion of CIL money in a pot which organisations can bid for to help fund local infrastructure projects.

We are aware that the condition of many of our local footpaths and bridleways make them difficult to use by some sectors of the community and in October 2021 the decision was taken by the Parish Council to explore the possibility of making a bid for CIL funding to improve the Mill Lane Bridleway to West Street and the footpath between Dormans Road and Racecourse Road. These rights of way were selected as they form a circular route around the village and link to other accessible rights of way. An “expression of interest” form was submitted to Tandridge as the first stage of the four stage bidding process. We were invited to make a full application which was duly made in March 2022. This is a competitive process and we will not know whether we have got through to the third stage until the end of May.

The bid has been made in partnership with Surrey County Council who are responsible for the maintenance and improvement of Rights of Way. If the bid is successful the work will be carried out by specialist contractors employed and supervised by Surrey officers who undertake this type of work across the county.

The improvement work will be focussed on resurfacing the Mill Lane Bridleway from the railway bridge to West Street, re-profiling the path and re-ditching where necessary to ensure that water runs off to the sides rather than down the middle of the bridleways. Vegetation will be cleared where necessary and where possible the full width of the bridleway will be reinstated. The footpath between Dormans Road and Racecourse Road will also be cleared and resurfaced.

CIL bid projects must include an element of match funding. Current estimates for this project are based on figures obtained from Surrey. The total estimate is £133,000. This is made up of £91,700 from the Tandridge CIL fund, approx £5,000 CIL money already held by the Parish Council, £5,000 from Surrey and £31,300 from Parish funds.

The exact specification for the work will not be determined unless the bid is successful and funding is agreed. This will not be known until towards the end of 2022.

The project will be discussed at future Parish Council Meetings and any suggestions or ideas as to what might be incorporated into the project to ensure maximum benefit will be welcomed by emailing or email CIL direct

We fully recognise and take responsibility for not consulting with residents earlier in the process. The lesson we have learned is that a more proactive approach is required by us to ascertain areas of residents interests that we in the Parish Council might support. We are currently planning a survey which will help us to gain the insight for future projects.