Published: 08 December 2022

Tandridge Household Support Fund December 2022

The Household Support Fund is a government scheme to help ease the financial pressure from the rising cost of living.

On Monday 12 December at 9.30am, we will be inviting residents with low incomes to apply for a small grant from this fund.

The funding is limited, so we will only accept applications from people who have not previously received a grant from the Household Support Fund.

Residents should apply quickly as the funding will close when the number of applications reaches the value of the funding pot.

Who can apply?

We accept applications from, or on behalf of, people who are in financial difficulties. The person receiving the funds must:

·        Be over the age of 16.

·        Live in the Tandridge district.

·        Be in financial difficulty and struggling to meet the cost of essential items like food, fuel or energy bills for themselves or their dependents. You will need to submit evidence online such as bank statements and arrears letters.

·        Not have already received a grant from the Household Support Fund.

How do I apply?

From Monday 12 December at 9.30am, the application form will be available for you to complete at www.tandridge.gov.uk/supportfund.

If you do not have access to the internet, please call 01883 722000 from 9.30am on 12 December.

When will the fund close?

We are expecting lots of applications to be submitted. The fund will close as soon as the value of the funding pot has been reached. Please apply quickly, ideally in the morning of Monday 12 December.

How much will I receive?

Single households will receive £100.

Households with more than one person living at the address will receive £300.

How will payments be made?

We will notify you once a decision has been made on your application. Payments will be by BACS transfer to your nominated bank account by the end of January 2023.

What information will need to be submitted?

To assess applications, we need details about, the applicant, members of their household and the reasons why an application is being made.

You will need to provide your:

·        Contact details.

·        Date of birth.

·        National Insurance number.

·        Bank details including sort code and account number.


To support your application, you will also need to upload one, or more of the following:

·        Three months of bank statements from September to November 2022.

·        Income, savings and benefit information if it cannot be seen on the bank statements.

·        Other information to allow us to make an informed decision for example, arrears letters, energy bills.


If you are calling us to apply for a grant, we will discuss how you provide your supporting evidence.


What is the assessment process?

We will try to support as many residents as we can with the limited funds available. We aim to provide support to those who need our help the most. This includes:

·        Residents with dependent children.

·        Residents with disability or health problems.

·        Households with at least one person who is receiving their state pension.

·        Lone parents.

·        Those who are, or are at risk of becoming, homeless including those living in temporary accommodation.

·        Survivors of domestic abuse.

·        Those leaving care or hospital.

·        Those facing an emergency crisis such as, a recent fire or flood.


Once we receive an application and supporting evidence it will be assessed based on the information provided and a decision made.

Reviewing the decision

There is no right of appeal against a decision not to make an award, or about the amount of an award. If you are not happy with the outcome, you can ask us to review your application within five days of our decision.

Requests for a review should be made in writing and must state the reasons why you do not agree with the decision and why you are asking for a review. The review will be conducted by a senior officer who was not involved in the original decision.

You will be notified of the outcome of the review within 14 days of your request.

How are we communicating this to residents?

Starting in November we are using a range of channels such as:

·        Dedicated webpage – www.tandridge.gov.uk/supportfund.

·        Link to webpage from the website’s carousel.

·        Printed article in magazines such as CR3, CR6, RH8 which is due to be delivered to households in the district in early December.

·        Articles in November and December news and events e-newsletters sent to all our subscribers, posted on our social media channels and into 30+ Facebook groups.

The December article will emphasise the need for three months of bank statements and that previous recipients may not apply again.

·        News items sent to all media outlets.

·        Advising community partners such as Citizens Advice, the Westway and ESDAs.

·        Councillors briefed through e-newsletters and ad-hoc questions.

·        Poster on the council offices noticeboard.

·        Internal e-newsletter to inform all staff.

From 1 December there will be:

·        An e-mail footer on all internal and outgoing council e-mails.

·        A new IVR message will advise callers about the fund before it opens and when it has closed.

·        A social media campaign on all council accounts and into 30+ Facebook groups.

·        A draft application form will be available to view in December.


Internal training is being planned with customer services and wellbeing officers.



In October 2021, the Government announced funding to financially support vulnerable households over the winter months. It is known as the Household Support Grant and runs till 31 March 2023.

We have been allocated over £170,000 to provide support to households who would struggle to buy food or pay essential utility bills, or meet other essential living costs this winter, due to the rising cost of living.

The Tandridge Household Support Scheme Local Eligibility Framework has been developed to help us administer the scheme, which will:

·        Use discretion to identify and support those most in need.

·        Use the funds to meet immediate needs and help those who are struggling to afford food, energy or water bills and other essential household expenditure.

·        In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, we will support housing costs where existing housing support schemes do not meet this exceptional need.

·        Work with local services, community groups and other partners to identify and support households within the scope of this scheme.