About the Parish Council

Dormansland Parish Council was established in May 2000, following a campaign by local residents and “The Dormansland Village Group”. Prior to this Dormansland & Haxted was part of the area covered by the former Lingfield & Dormansland Parish Council.  The Parish Council is made up of seven (5 Dormansland Ward and 2 Dormans Park Ward) elected residents of the Parish, all of whom believe strongly that there is no room for party politics at Parish level. Councillors have been elected or co-opted and are independent of any political party.

The aims and objectives of the Council are to represent the interests of local residents with outside bodies such as District and County Councils, particularly in such areas as planning, highways and local services and any other matters that concern the residents. In addition, the Council is there to assist and encourage local organisations to develop for the benefit of the residents.

The Parish Council has particularly strong views on the protection of the Green Belt and actively resists any attempts to erode this.  There is a planning committee meeting held every 3 weeks, excluding August (please see dates on website) to discuss and comment on any planning applications within the parish that have been submitted to Tandridge District Council.

Dormansland Parish Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding August) at 6.30pm in the Centenary Room in The Platt. Residents of the parish are always very welcome to attend these meetings and will have the opportunity to raise any questions or concerns they may have. This helps to ensure that the work of the Council remains effective and relevant to the residents of Dormansland whom it serves.

To make contact with the Parish Council, please contact Jacqui O'Sullivan, our Clerk, by phone on 07395 323456, or via email at parishclerk@dormansland.org.uk

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